Over Scoping - Why Your Game Takes Too Long To Complete.

Over Scoping - Why Your Game Takes Too Long To Complete.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”


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Over scoping means setting unrealistic goals or expectations for a game's development, which can lead to delays, burnout, and even project failure. It often happens when game developers have too many ambitious ideas but lack the necessary resources or experience to achieve them.

More often than not, I have seen game developers and Project managers in the Game Industry scrape a project because of this underlying issue.

A very common scenarios over scoping is this. You have this idea, instead of sticking to it, you want to cut and join ideas from over twenty different things you've seen in the past. And when the project kicks off, you realize it's almost as good as impossible to finish it.

Factors Contributing to Over-Scoping in Game Development

One of the main causes of over-scoping is a lack of experience or knowledge in game development. Novice developers may have grand ideas for a game but may not fully understand the amount of time, resources, and effort required to bring those ideas to fruition.

Another factor that contributes to over-scoping is pressure from publishers, stakeholders, or fans. Developers may feel compelled to include certain features or elements in the game to meet expectations, even if it means stretching their resources thin.

Over-scoping can have negative consequences for the game and the development team. It can lead to an overly ambitious game design that may not be achievable within the given timeline or budget. This can result in rushed development, bugs, and an overall lower quality game.

To avoid over-scoping, game developers should start with a realistic plan and set achievable goals. They should prioritize features and elements based on their importance to the game's core gameplay and cut back on less important features if necessary. Additionally, it is essential to communicate with stakeholders and fans about the development process and manage expectations.

Finally, developers should avoid burning out their team by setting reasonable working hours and prioritizing work-life balance. Overworked and burned-out developers are more likely to make mistakes, which can lead to further delays and problems.

In summary, over-scoping is a significant problem in game development that can lead to delays, burnout, and project failure. Developers should set realistic goals, prioritize features, manage expectations, and maintain work-life balance to avoid over-scoping and create successful games.